Questionnaire analysis  

• Gender:     Male  Female


It can be seen from the graph that the number of respondents who participated in the questionnaire was more boys than girls.



• Identity:I am a student:     Lower grade of elementary school   Middle grade of elementary school  Upper grade of elementary school  Junior high school  High school  College or above


It can be seen from the chart that the largest number of respondents who participated in the questionnaire were senior elementary school students and college students. Among the respondents who were not students, the largest number were between 31 and 50 years old, and the largest number were between 50 and 70 years old. The largest number of participants in the questionnaire are those aged 31-50.



• Do you know Turtle-shaped rice cake?     I know  I don’t know


It can be seen from the chart that 89% of people know Turtle-shaped rice cake, and only about 12% do not know it. We think the traditional food Turtle-shaped rice cake should be common in daily life.



• What does Lukang Turtle-shaped rice cake look like?     Use white as the base and a little red in the middle  All are red


It can be seen from the chart that only 30% of people think that the appearance of Lukang Turtle-shaped rice cake is white with a little red in the middle; most people (71%) think that the appearance of Lukang Turtle-shaped rice cake is all red. Because the Turtle-shaped rice cake in other places in Taiwan is all red in appearance, only the Turtle-shaped rice cake in Lukang has a white base with a little red in the middle.We guess that most people have the impression that Turtle-shaped rice cakes are all red in appearance, so they think that Turtle-shaped rice cakes in Lukang are also all red in appearance.



• Do you like to eat Turtle-shaped rice cake?     I like it   I don’t like it


It can be seen from the chart that 68% of people like to eat Turtle-shaped rice cake; but as many as 33% of people do not like to eat Turtle-shaped rice cake.
We speculate that because Turtle-shaped rice cake is a glutinous rice food for traditional festivals and sacrifices, it is not a mainstream food for children or young people today, and food made from glutinous rice is not easy to digest. Maybe because of this, 33% of people don’t like to eat it.



• When are you used to eating Turtle-shaped rice cake? (If you choose option 4, please write 4 in () and fill in your own habits in other fields)     Praying for blessings  When celebrating a birthday  Buying something when you want to eat  Others


As can be seen from the chart, when do people eat Turtle-shaped rice cake? 65% of people eat it after praying to deities; 16% of people eat it when celebrating someone’s birthday; 32% of people eat it If you want to eat, you will buy it.
Because Turtle-shaped rice cake is a traditional festival food, most people (65%) will buy Turtle-shaped rice cake to worship and then taste it. Turtle-shaped rice cake also means longevity, and it is a habit of many elders to use it to celebrate their birthdays.
There are also some people who like the taste of Turtle-shaped rice cake, so 32% of people buy and eat Ang Gu Kueh when they see it!



• Are you used to making Turtle-shaped rice cake by yourself or buying it?     Make it yourself  Buy it


It can be seen from the chart that only 4% of people "make Turtle-shaped rice cake by themselves"; as many as 96% of people "bought Turtle-shaped rice cake".
In Taiwan's previous rural society, people were accustomed to starting with planting, then making and baking their own food. We found that most people nowadays are office workers and work almost all the time, so they don’t have time to make Turtle-shaped rice cake by themselves. Some people think that it is troublesome to make Turtle-shaped rice cake by themselves. It is more convenient to buy it.Therefore, only 4% of people make Turtle-shaped rice cake by themselves.



• Do you know what the ingredients of Turtle-shaped rice cake are?     Flour ground from wheat  Rice ground into powder


The raw material of Turtle-shaped rice cake is glutinous rice, which is also a type of rice. As can be seen from the chart, 80% of the people who participated in the questionnaire knew that the raw material of Turtle-shaped rice cake is powder ground from glutinous rice, but 21% still thought that the raw material of Turtle-shaped rice cake was ground from wheat. Made of flour.
We guess that because many Western-style pastries on the market are made of flour, some people think that Turtle-shaped rice cake is made of flour.



• In the early "First Tainan, second Lugang, third Bangka" period, what was abundant in the Changhua Plain?     Rice  Tea  Camphor


As can be seen from the chart, most people know that the Changhua Plain is rich in rice, accounting for about 95%; however, 5% of people think that the Changhua Plain is rich in tea or camphor. We feel that because it is the Changhua Plain, it is easy to guess that the plain is rich in rice even if we don’t know.



• What flavor of Turtle-shaped rice cake do you like? (optional two)      Red beans  Mung beans   Peanuts  Sesame  Other


The fillings of Turtle-shaped rice cake come in many flavors. As can be seen from the chart, peanut and red bean are the most popular flavors, accounting for 34% and 31% of people respectively; followed by sesame, which is liked by about 21% of people; Mung beans are liked by relatively few people, about 12%. In fact, our team members’ favorite fillings are peanuts and red beans. The peanut or red bean Turtle-shaped rice cake tastes fragrant and sweet, and is really suitable for all ages.



• What do you think the uses of Turtle-shaped rice cake are?     Thank the gods and pray for blessings  Birthday, wishing you a long life  Festivals, traditional snacks  Other


As can be seen from the chart, the most people think that the purpose of Turtle-shaped rice cake is to "thank the gods and pray for blessings", accounting for 41%; and to use it for "festivals and traditional snacks", accounting for 33%. 25% of people think it is "used to wish longevity on birthdays". Because the red color of Turtle-shaped rice cake represents auspiciousness and the round shape means reunion and harmony, it is most commonly used when praying for blessings and worshiping deities.Therefore, everyone thinks that the biggest use of Turtle-shaped rice cake is to "thank the deities and pray for blessings." However, because Turtle-shaped rice cake has the meaning of longevity, people also like to use Turtle-shaped rice cake to bless their elders or deities on their birthdays.



• What does the mold for making Turtle-shaped rice cake mean when it is carved into the shape of a turtle?     Turtles are long-lived and auspicious  The turtle shell is perfect, reunited and harmonious  It is not advisable to use a live turtle to worship. Use Turtle-shaped rice cake instead, which is symbolic and edible.


The mold used to make Turtle-shaped rice cake is carved into the shape of a turtle to represent longevity, good luck, complete turtle shell, reunion, and harmony. In addition, because it is not suitable to use a live turtle to worship, a Turtle-shaped rice cake is used instead, which has symbolic meaning and can edible.It can be seen from the chart that 53% of people think that carving into the shape of a turtle means that "longevity and good luck." The meaning of longevity is the most familiar to everyone. "Because it is not appropriate to use a live turtle to worship, we use Turtle-shaped rice cake instead, which is symbolic and edible." Few people know the meaning. We want to commentary this symbolic meaning to everyone during the explanation.



• If you have the opportunity to make Turtle-shaped rice cak yourself, what do you think is the most difficult part?     Raw materials  Stuffing  Mold  Bamboo leaves  Preparation method  Steaming equipment


It can be seen from the chart that most people think that if they have the opportunity to make Turtle-shaped rice cake by themselves, the most difficult part is the making method, accounting for 31%.Only 8% found it difficult to obtain bamboo leaves.The rest of the number of people who find it difficult to find raw materials, fillings, molds, and steaming utensils are about the same.
We remembered that when we went to XIE, BI-ZHEN Turtle-shaped rice cake specialty store to make Turtle-shaped rice cake, we found that the Turtle-shaped rice cake needs to be delicious and the glutinous rice dough needs to be soft.At that time, we put the glutinous rice dough on the palm of our hand for about 3 seconds, and the glutinous rice ball would flow from the gaps between our fingers. The production speed needs to be very fast. After DIY, we found that if the glutinous rice dough are soft enough, the steamed Turtle-shaped rice cake will be delicious and fragrant. However, the proportions and gestures of the glutinous rice dough need to be very skilled.Maybe because of this, most people would think that the making method of Turtle-shaped rice cake is the most difficult.



• What do you think the Lukang Turtle-shaped rice cake represents (you can choose three representative meanings)     Food for the deities  Daily traditional snacks  Orientation of healthy plain colors  Persistence in same-day production 365 days a year  Choice of birthday celebrations  Representatives of Lukang traditional food


It can be seen from the chart that 35% of people think that the meaning of Lukang Turtle-shaped rice cake is "a food that worships deities", and 20% of people think that the meaning of Lukang Turtle-shaped rice cake is " The choice for birthday celebrations" and "the representative of Lukang tradition".Most people still view "the meaning of Lukang Turtle-shaped rice cake" based on the original meaning of Turtle-shaped rice cake.However, we found that 3% of people think that "the meaning of Lukang Turtle-shaped rice cake" is the insistence on making it fresh on the same day 365 days a year. We found it very interesting.Our friends once heard from grandma that Lukang's Turtle-shaped rice cake will taste harder if left the next day.Therefore, if the Turtle-shaped rice cake is not finished on the same day, people in Lukang will fry it and eat it the next day. Therefore, the Turtle-shaped rice cake in Lukang needs to be made and eaten fresh every day.



• Which store do you recommend that sells Turtle-shaped rice cake or related cakes? The stores we visited this time are?     XIE, BI-ZHEN Turtle-shaped rice cake specialty store  First Market- YU TAO JIANG YUAN  Jinshengtang  TSAO-HER Cake Shop


As can be seen from the chart, most people recommend XIE, BI-ZHEN Turtle-shaped rice cake specialty store, accounting for 34%.The second recommended one is Tsao-her Cake Shop, accounting for 22%.We found the skin of both turtle-shaped rice cakes pleasantly chewy, so we enjoyed that too.The taste of their fillings is not too sweet, which makes it less burdensome for everyone's health.However, other Turtle-shaped rice cakes also have their own characteristics and have different customers, and they are very popular among everyone!


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