Mother Tongue Nursery Rhymes  

Mother Tongue Nursery Rhymes

(1) Appreciation: "Red Turtle Cake" Taiwanese Children's Song - "Red Turtle Cake"

(2) Picture Book: Taiwanese Picture Book - Red Turtle Cake Sisters “chhōe"

During the agricultural era, all kinds of cakes and pastries needed for festivals had to be DIY. The basic element of cakes and pastries is rice slurry. At that time, every household had a stone mill. By putting soaked rice grains into the mill, they could be ground into snowflake-like rice slurry. The rice slurry had to be drained of water to make cakes and pastries.
The mouth of the bag containing the rice slurry was tied tightly, and the rice slurry was placed on a long bench. A flat shoulder pole was pressed on top, with ropes or cloths tied tightly at both ends of the pole and the bench,by applying pressure to the rice slurry. A water bucket was prepared under the long bench, and the water in the rice slurry dripped out slowly. The purpose was to drain out the water properly, and it would take several hours for the rice slurry to turn into rice cakes.
Nowadays, people rely on electric machines to make cakes and pastries, from rice grains to rice slurry to rice cakes, all in a matter of minutes, without the laborious process shown in the pictures.

Through the main character, "Red Turtle Cake," we get to know Taiwanese abundant rice cake desserts and inherit Taiwanese culture

(3)Come and see the animation we created and adapted.

Picture book content meaning voice
紅龜粿揣姊妹 The turtle-shaped rice cake looking for sisters
紅龜粿是秫米粿 The turtle-shaped rice cake is made of glutinous rice
身軀白白印龜花 The white body is stamped with the tortoise's stripes.
喙甜、心甜,長篙圓。 Sweet flavor, sweet filling, oval shape
祝福大家食百二。 I wish you all a long life.
紅龜粿 The turtle-shaped rice cake
逐日穿甲媠媠媠 Dress up every day.
佮人講話好喙媠 Always praising others and sweet-talking
想欲𨑨迌招無伴 But I don't have any friends to play with.
走揣朋友佮姊妹。 Started looking for my friends and sisters.
有一工紅龜粿來到大廟口 One day, the turtle-shaped rice cake teow came to the mouth of the temple.
ua̋!哪有這濟粿? That's strange! Why are there so many kuey ?
There are
草仔粿紅圓仔佮麻糍 Caozaiguo Mochi
看起來足成我的姊妹仔呢! They look a lot like my sisters!
紅龜粿拄著草仔粿 The turtle-shaped rice cake meets Caozaiguo
我穿kah白白白 I am white
你穿kah青青青 You are green
請問你敢是我的姊妹仔? Are you my sister?
我是艾草佮秫米做的 I'm made of mugwort and glutinous rice
艾會辟邪 Mugwort will ward off evil spirits
毋過你白白,我青青。我是你的表姊妹仔 However, you are white, I am green, and I am your cousin.
紅龜粿拄著麻糍 The turtle-shaped rice cake meets Mochi
我穿kah白白白 I am white
你穿kah白白白 You are white too
請問你敢是我的姊妹仔? Are you my sister?
我是秫米做的 I'm made of glutinous rice
白色表示白銀 White means silver
毋過你長篙圓,我圓圓。我是你的表姊妹仔 But you are oval, I am round, I am your cousin。
紅龜粿拄著紅圓仔 The turtle-shaped rice cake meets red glutinous rice balls
我穿kah白白白 I am white
你穿kah紅紅紅 You are red
請問你敢是我的姊妹仔? Are you my sister?
我是麵粉做的 I'm made of flour
我生做圓圓表示吉祥圓滿 I am round, which means auspiciousness and completeness
毋過你白白,我紅紅。我是你的表姊妹仔 However, you are white and I am red. I'm your cousin.
紅龜粿拄著紅龜粿 The turtle-shaped rice cake meets turtle-shaped rice cake
你是紅龜粿我也是紅龜粿,那阮是毋是親姊妹 You are turtle-shaped rice cake ,I am too.Are you my sister?
是啊! Yes I am.
ya!我揣到姊妹 ya!I found my sister.
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