4.Jinshengtang’s oiled rice and turtle cake—The store owner CHEN,LI-GUO  

The store owner could not be interviewed originally, but because it was raining, we decided to try our luck and buy Lukang Turtle-shaped rice cake.Because YU TAO JIANG YUAN store owner said that the "Turtle-shaped rice cake" in Lukang is always white unless it is a special holiday or ordered by a customer. It turned out to be true when we met. Even more fortunately, the store owner is also willing to accept the interview . Turtle-shaped rice cake really brings good luck.

Q1:Are all Turtle-shaped rice cakes made on-site on day?

Q2:You make Turtle-shaped rice cake every day, does anyone buy it?
A2:Someone buys it.Because making this traditional food is very toilsome, few people are doing it now.During the New Year and festivals, when everyone prays to the Deity, the demand will be higher. Therefore, Lukang is relatively traditional, so more people worship the deitys and pray for blessings.

Q3:How many Turtle-shaped rice cakes will everyone buy?
A3:Nowadays, the amount of turtle-shaped rice cake bought is much less than before, because the population is relatively small now, but the idea of the older generation thinks needed to buy a lot.Today's young people feel that they can't finish buying too much, so they just need to be sincere in buying some Turtle-shaped rice cakes.

Q4:How long has this store been open?
A4:This store has been open for almost 50 years since my father opened it. My dad is the first generation, I am the second generation, and my son is the third generation.

Q5:You need making oiled rice and Turtle-shaped rice cakes at the same time. Will it be very busy?
A5:We will be very busy, so we have to get up very early, sometimes it depends on the situation.

Q6:You have the skills to make turtle-shaped rice cake. Is there anything that impresses you?
A6:There are many temples in Lukang. If you take three steps, you will encounter a small temple, and if you take five steps, you will encounter a large temple. There used to be a saying that「鹿港人厚草頭」 "Lùgǎng Rén Hoù Tsaǒ Toú." It means that the people in Lukang are conservative, follow ancient systems, and have many etiquette and customs, just like the heads of straw, which are many and complicated. Therefore, daughters don't marry Lukang people, because it would be very troublesome just to worship the deitys and pray for blessings.Today's young people have their own ideas, so some customs are now simplified.

Q7:How are the sales of Turtle-shaped rice cake?
A7:The sales volume of Turtle-shaped rice cake is indeed less than before. The traditional Turtle-shaped rice cake in Lukang is white, while the ones from other places are red. So tourists from other places buy and eat them out of curiosity.

Q8:Is there any reason why the store is named Jinshengtang?
A8:Because the store is located on Jinsheng Lane, it was named Jinshengtang.

Q9:There are Traditional cake molds and Turtle-shaped rice cak molds on the table. Are these made by Taiwanese?We also want to visit the master who make molds in Lukang?
A9:There used to be mold masters in Lukang, but now there are probably fewer.In the past, there were many carvers in Lukang, who were engaged in carving temples and shrines.Nowadays, most carvings are imported because labor in Taiwan is very expensive.In the past, many people were doing carving in Lukang, and carving works at that time were paid on a piece-by-piece basis.Therefore, people in the past would mostly go to apprentices to learn skills. They were all skilled in skills, so the income was quite good. There are still some famous carving masters in Lukang, but there are only few of them anymore.Nowadays, making Turtle-shaped rice cake molds can no longer keep up with the times.So the molds we buy now are either made in China or in Vietnam, because there are more workers there.

Q10:Why is the color of this kueh green?
A10:That cake is 鼠麴粿 (tshír-khak-kér), a kind of salty turtle rice cake, made of glutinous rice cake skin, mixed with sun-dried and ground Pseudognaphalium affine Cudweed, which is dark green or dark brown.

Q11:Is tshír-khak-kér also made from glutinous rice?
A11:Right.Most people buy tshír-khak-kér to eat out of curiosity. There are shredded radish in the filling, so it has a good texture. Few people do it in Lukang, but Hakka people do a lot of tshír-khak-kér during Tomb Sweeping Day.

Q12:The store owner asked us: Have you ever heard of the saying 「阿婆炊粿~倒貼」"A-pô tshe ké~tò-thiap"?
A12:A-pô tshe ké~tò-thiap means that grandma has decades of experience as a cook since she was married as a young woman. Of course the kuehs she made were delicious. But as she got older, her energy, strength and concentration deteriorated, so we said a-pô tshe ké~tò-thiap (inverted sunken). This sentence is used in business to mean that there is no profit and pay out of one's own pocket, like“a-pô tshe ké”, the description is really interesting and naughty.

Q13:Will the weather affect the production of Turtle-shaped rice cake?
A13:No, it just feels very hot when making Turtle-shaped rice cake because you need to use a stove.

Q14:Are you planning to install air conditioning?
A14:I have planned to install air conditioning, but the temperature can only drop by 1 to 2 degrees, and I feel nothing.

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